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Meeting: AMRO70 / DC56
Meeting Date Item No. Item Documents

AMRO70 / DC56

4.3 New Scale of Assessed Contributions

AMRO70 / DC56

4.4 Plan of Action for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health 2018-2030

AMRO70 / DC56

4.5 Plan of Action for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control 2018-2030

AMRO70 / DC56

4.6 Plan of Action on Human Resources for Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage 2018-2023

AMRO70 / DC56

4.7 Plan of Action on Entomology and Vector Control 2018-2023

AMRO70 / DC56

5.1 Report on the Collection of Assessed Contributions

AMRO70 / DC56

5.2 Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for 2017

AMRO70 / DC56

5.3 Amendments to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules of PAHO

AMRO70 / DC56

8.1 Final Evaluation of the Health Agenda for the Americas 2008-2017

AMRO70 / DC56

8.10 Update on the Situation and Challenges of Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine Supply to Maintain Polio Eradication in the Region of the Americas

AMRO70 / DC56

8.11 Report of the Director on Addressing the Causes of Disparities in Health Service Access and Utilization for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Persons

AMRO70 / DC56

8.12 PAHO’s Response to Maintaining an Effective Technical Cooperation Agenda in Venezuela and Neighboring Member States

AMRO70 / DC56

8.13 Plan of Action on Road Safety: Final Report

AMRO70 / DC56

8.14 Plan of Action to Accelerate the Reduction in Maternal Mortality and Severe Maternal Morbidity: Final Report

AMRO70 / DC56

8.15 Strategy and Plan of Action for Integrated Child Health: Final Report

AMRO70 / DC56

8.16 Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Change: Final Report

AMRO70 / DC56

8.17 Strategy and Plan of Action on eHealth: Final Report

AMRO70 / DC56

8.18 Strategy and Plan of Action on Knowledge Management and Communication: Final Report

AMRO70 / DC56

8.19 Health and International Relations: Linkages with National Health Development: Final Report

AMRO70 / DC56

8.2 Process for Development of the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020-2025