Items Search

Use the String Search to find all of the agenda items across all of the linked meetings which contain a particular string (of three or more characters). You can search for one word, eg strengthening) or a phrase within quotes ("health systems strengthening") or several possible words in a list (eg budget 16/17) in which case the search function assumes A OR B ("budget" OR "16/17"). (The String Search only scans agenda item names; it does not scan document, debate, action or annex titles.)

To use the Keyword search function click in the Keywords box to show and select available keyword terms. If you use String Search and Keyword Search together please know they are linked with an AND rather than an OR.

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Please use US date format (mm/dd/yyy) in restricting by Date Range (select 'from' and 'to' dates).

Meeting: EMRO64
Meeting Date Item No. Item Documents Actions


2(f) Regional strategy for the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems 2014–2019


2(g) Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases


2(h) Scaling up mental health care


2(i) Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005)


2(j) Report of the Regional Assessment Commission on the status of implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005)


2(k) Implementation of the regional malaria action plan 2016–2020


3(a) Regional framework for action on cancer prevention and control


3(b) Climate change and health: a framework for action


3(c) Operationalization of the adolescent health component of the global strategy for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health, 2016–2030


3(d) Antimicrobial resistance in the Eastern Mediterranean Region


4(a) Resolutions and decisions of regional interest adopted by the Seventieth World Health Assembly and the Executive Board at its 140th and 141st Sessions


4(b) Review of the draft provisional agenda of the 142nd Session of the WHO Executive Board


4(c) Towards WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work 2019–2023 “Keep the World Safe, Improve Health, Serve the Vulnerable”


5(a) Nomination of a Member State to the Policy and Coordination Committee of the Special Programme of Research, Development, and Research Training in Human Reproduction


6 Report of the first meeting of the Programme Subcommittee of the Regional Committee


7(a) Award of the Dr A.T. Shousha Foundation Prize and Fellowship


7(b) Award of the State of Kuwait Prize for the Control of Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region


7(c) Award of the Down Syndrome Research Prize


8 Place and date of future sessions of the Regional Committee
Meeting: SEARO70
Meeting Date Item No. Item Documents


10.1 Key issues arising out of the Seventieth World Health Assembly and the 140th and 141st Sessions of the WHO Executive Board