Draft Pandemic Agreement Text Does Not Bite the Bullet, Suggests Subsequent Protocols To Defer Commitments on Key Issues


Industry pans it, developing countries say draft “unbalanced” with a one-sided focus on prevention, falling short on obligations on response.

After more than two years of discussions on what countries would like to see in a Pandemic Accord, the Negotiating Text from the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body set up to broker this new instrument, has sought to strike a balance to in order to first draw countries into negotiations – but is being perceived as unbalanced and one-sided with a focus on prevention relative to obligations on response, diplomats said.

From suggesting provisions on pathogens access and the sharing of benefits, to language on One Health, from a new financing mechanism, to sustainable production, the draft might be able to get countries to begin text-based negotiations. Some developing countries hope to add text to strengthen the draft so that they can begin negotiations, diplomatic sources told Geneva Health Files.

With the current deadline of May 2024 to conclude these discussions, many stakeholders are of the view that it is critical that countries accept this version of the text as the basis for negotiations. 
