Five Things We Need to See in the Pandemic Accord

MSF Access Campaign

 As an international medical humanitarian organisation that provides medical care to people during crises, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has responded to many infectious disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics over the last 50 years. These experiences have shown that timely, equitable and affordable access to medical products such as medicines, vaccines and diagnostic tests is crucial for an effective response to health emergencies. Based on our experiences, we believe that governments must take the following steps to ensure that the global pandemic accord safeguards access to medical products. … [1. Prioritise global equitable access and medical humanitarian needs in international stockpiling and allocation efforts; 2. Address intellectual property challenges for the protection of the right to health and access to medicines; 3. Ensure medical products that benefit from public contributions are accessible to people who need them; 4. Safeguard transparency, accountability and the public’s right to information by restricting confidentiality and trade secrets; 5. Introduce an international access and benefit-sharing mechanism to ensure fruits of R&D are shared fairly with all contributors]

