G20 High Level Independent Panel on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response

G-20 HLP on PP&R

A G20 High Level Independent Panel (HLIP) on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response was established on 26 January 2021.

The HLIP is tasked with:

  • Identifying the gaps in the financing system for the global commons for pandemic prevention, surveillance, preparedness and response.
  • Proposing actionable solutions to meet these gaps on a systematic and sustainable basis, and optimally leverage resources from the public, private and philanthropic sectors and the international financial institutions (IFIs).


The HLIP’s members, predominantly economic and finance experts, serve in their individual and independent capacities. The HLIP is providing a Progress Note to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their meeting in April 2021, and will present its full recommendations during their July 2021 meeting.