Items Search
Use the String Search to find all of the agenda items across all of the linked meetings which contain a particular string (of three or more characters). You can search for one word, eg strengthening) or a phrase within quotes ("health systems strengthening") or several possible words in a list (eg budget 16/17) in which case the search function assumes A OR B ("budget" OR "16/17"). (The String Search only scans agenda item names; it does not scan document, debate, action or annex titles.)
To use the Keyword search function click in the Keywords box to show and select available keyword terms. If you use String Search and Keyword Search together please know they are linked with an AND rather than an OR.
Restrict the search by meeting type by clicking in the Meeting Type box and selecting the required option; select multiples (eg EB and WHA) by CTRL click.
Please use US date format (mm/dd/yyy) in restricting by Date Range (select 'from' and 'to' dates).
Meeting | Date | Item No. | Item | Documents |
3 | Address of Dr Lee Jong-wook, Director-General |
Meeting | Date | Item No. | Item | Documents | Debate | Actions |
4.3 | International trade and health: draft resolution |
Meeting | Date | Item No. | Item | Documents |
1 | Opening of the session and adoption of the agenda |
Meeting | Date | Item No. | Item | Documents | Debate | Actions |
11 | Programme budget 2002-2003: performance assessment report | |||||
12 | Proposed programme budget 2006-2007 | |||||
13.1 | Revision of the International Health Regulations | |||||
13.10 | Antimicrobial resistance: a threat to global health security | |||||
13.11 | Infant and young child nutrition | |||||
13.12 | Cancer prevention and control | |||||
13.13 | Disability, including prevention, management and rehabilitation | |||||
13.14 | Public health problems caused by harmful use of alcohol | |||||
13.15 | International Plan of Action on Ageing: report on implementation | |||||
13.17 | eHealth | |||||
13.18 | Ministerial Summit on Health Research | |||||
13.2 | Achievement of health-related Millennium Development Goals | |||||
13.20 | Scaling up treatment and care within a coordinated and comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS (resolution WHA57.14) | |||||
13.21 | International migration of health personnel: a challenge for health systems in developing countries (resolution WHA57.19) | |||||
13.3 | Health action in relation to crises and disasters |
Meeting | Date | Item No. | Item | Documents | Debate | Actions |
13.16 | Social health insurance | |||||
13.19 | Progress reports |