WTO Fish deal; failing to properly address overfishing to meet SDG Mandate

Adam Wolfenden, Pacific Network on Globalisation, campaigner@pang.org.fj

Fisheries subsidies negotiations at the World Trade Organization Ministerial (WTO) Ministerial Conference are continuing to propose subsidy bans that are failing to hold the big distant water fishing fleets accountable. As negotiations continue past their deadline, the latest circulated draft text shows major concessions being made to the large fishing fleets, in particular the distant water fleets who are appearing to have no hard prohibitions on their subsidies. This text asks member to refrain, to the greatest extent possible to provide subsidies for distant water fishing. While there is a requirement to show that the fishing is sustainable, because there is no hard subsidy ban in place and little to hold them to account. “The current proposals are a last-minute carve out for the biggest fleets, this represents a significant failure for the negotiations despite the hard work and resolve by many developing countries and small-island developing states to hold them to account. The intransigence of those big fishing nations to contribute to the solutions, as currently reflected in the text, will mean that any outcome fails to properly deliver for sustainability and development” comment Adam Wolfenden, Pacific Network on Globalisation.

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