Interim analysis of JSI E-commerce Chairs’ text 15 January 2024, INF/ECOM/8


The 15 January 2024 chair’s text (INF/ECOM/85) for the Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on electronic commerce is to be discussed in a round from 30 January to 2 February 2024. This is not an agreed text. It is the work of the co-convenors from Australia, Japan and Singapore.

The previous consolidated text of 15 November 2023 (INF/ECOM/62/Rev.5) was produced after the US notified the withdrawal of its support for several core provisions relating in particular to data. The current chairs’ text centres on the more transactional provisions of that text, plus making the moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions permanent. The cover note says the remaining provisions have not been dropped and remain “a comprehensive record of proposals, attributions and drafting notes”.

Some provisions still have placeholders for further discussion in the January round.
Significantly, the outstanding provisions include development, exceptions and the scope of the agreement – all fundamentally important, especially for developing countries.

Read the analysis (pdf)
