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Meeting: Afro73
Meeting Date Item No. Item Documents Actions


13 Strengthening community protection and resilience: regional strategy for community engagement, 2023–2030 in the WHO African Region


14 Regional multisectoral strategy to promote health and well-being, 2023–2030 in the WHO African Region


15 Eighth progress report on the implementation of the Transformation Agenda of the World Health Organization Secretariat in the African Region


16 Programme budget 2024–2025: from adoption to implementation, an update


17 Draft provisional agenda, place and dates of the Seventy-fourth session of the Regional Committee


18.1 Progress report on Research for health: a strategy for the African Region


18.10 Regional matters arising from reports of the WHO internal and external audits


18.2 Progress report on the implementation of the Strategy for scaling up health innovations in the WHO African Region


18.3 Progress report on Utilizing eHealth solutions to improve national health systems in the African Region


18.4 Final report on the implementation of the Health promotion strategy for the African Region


18.5 Final report on addressing the challenge of women’s health in Africa: report of the Commission on Women’s Health in the African Region


18.6 Progress report on the Framework for the implementation of the Global action plan on physical activity, 2018–2030 in the WHO African Region


18.7 Progress report on the implementation of the Decade of action for road safety in the African Region


18.8 Progress report on the implementation of the Strategic plan to reduce the double burden of malnutrition in the African Region (2019–2025)


18.9 18.9 Report on WHO staff in the African Region


19 Adoption of the report of the Regional Committee


2 Adoption of the Special Procedures to regulate the conduct of the hybrid session of the Seventythird Regional Committee for Africa and election of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairpersons and the Rapporteurs


3 Adoption of the provisional agenda and provisional programme of work


5 Statement of the Chairperson of the Programme Subcommittee


6 Annual report of the Regional Director on the work of WHO in the African Region