WHO: No consensus to initiate textual negotiations on pandemic instrument

Third World Network

The resumed session of the 5th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body concluded without a consensus to initiate textual negotiations on the Bureau’s text for a WHO Convention, Agreement or Other International Instrument on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (pandemic instrument). … According to a developing country delegate, “as a basis for further work” in paragraph 3 of the report does not necessarily mean “the Bureau’s text is the negotiating text”. Later, the same delegate also pointed out the fact that even the Bureau’s co-chairs have said that the Bureau’s text is not the first draft or the negotiating draft during the informational briefing session held on 5 June, before the resumed meeting. The closing statement of countries identifying themselves as a Group for Equity explicitly stated that no textual negotiations took place during the resumed session. 
