WHO: No consensus to initiate textual negotiations on pandemic instrument


The resumed session of the 5th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body concluded without a consensus to initiate textual negotiations on the Bureau’s text for a WHO Convention, Agreement or Other International Instrument on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (pandemic instrument).

The resumed session concluded at the WHO Headquarters in Geneva on 16 June 2023, after a weeklong deliberation. Paragraph 3 of the meeting report, adopted at the conclusion of meeting states: “The INB considered the Bureau’s text as a basis for further work on the understanding that the INB may continue to refer to the compilation text.”

Thus, Member States politely refused to accept the Bureau text as the negotiating text but considered it only as a basis for further work. It is learned that the reference to the compilation text was at the insistence of developing countries.
