The European Union’s ABS Proposal for the pandemic instrument: Backwards in International Solidarity & Excerbates Inequity

Third World Network

An analysis by Sangeeta Shashikant 

As Geneva was winding down for the Christmas break last December, the European Union (EU) circulated a six-page proposal on access and benefit-sharing to World Health Organization (WHO) Members. The proposal comes at a very late stage of the negotiations on the pandemic instrument and is expected to spark significant concerns. The EU proposal, which deviates from international norms established by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Nagoya Protocol is expected to exacerbate inequity, discourage the timely sharing of specimens and sequences by WHO Members, undermine national sovereignty, and erode the intergovernmental character of the WHO. The multilateral benefit sharing proposed by the EU is wholly inadequate and terribly flawed. This critique examines in detail the critical aspects that underscore the deficiencies in the EU's proposal and its possible ramifications on international collaboration during public health emergencies.
