Politics of Pandemic Agreement- A Beginners Guide

Prof. T. Sundararaman
Conversations on health policy

Marking four years since the pandemic was declared and two years into its formation, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Inter-Governmental Negotiating Bureau (INB) for the Pandemic Agreement unveiled the Negotiating Text on March 7th, 2024. This text will be discussed during the ninth and penultimate session of the INB, to be held from March 18th to 28th in Geneva. Subsequently, it will undergo deliberation for formal adoption at the 77th World Health Assembly, set to convene at the end of May 2024.Top of Form

The scope of this article is to present a brief and accessible introduction to one of the most important global health policy developments of our time. One in which global geopolitics is inextricably linked with public health concerns. Although an analysis of the lines introduced and removed throughout the preceding eight negotiation sessions of the INB would be interesting, our current focus is solely on the penultimate text presented to the global community. Our aim is to highlight where the battle lines are drawn and why. (For an in-depth exploration of the draft’s development, Geneva Health Files https://genevahealthfiles.com/ provides an excellent resource. While it may require payment to access, it is certainly worthwhile. Also see, Kerry Cullinan, New Pandemic Agreement Draft Lands &Text-Based Negotiations Can Begin, Health Policy Watch, Pandemic Agreement 11/03/2024 • Kerry Cullinan ).

Alongside the INB’s efforts, discussions on amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005) are ongoing. The IHR serves as the key international legal framework for addressing pandemics and Public Health Emergencies of International Concern. It’s crucial to view the amendments to the IHR 2005 and the text of the Pandemic Agreement as interconnected entities.

