WHO: North’s proposals to take centre stage in IHR working group meeting

Third World Network

The fourth meeting of the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR4) is to discuss various developed country amendment proposals focusing on accelerated information sharing and compliance. These proposals are from the USA, the European Union (EU), Switzerland and New Zealand. WGIHR4 will take place at the WHO Headquarters in Geneva on 24-28 July in a hybrid mode. … The third meeting of WGIHR had focussed on amendment proposals on Article 13 (public health response), new article 13 A (equitable access to health products, technologies and know-how), 43 (additional health measures), 44 (collaboration and cooperation), new article 44A (financing mechanism), New Article 53A (implementation and compliance). This week the majority of the amendment proposals under consideration are from developed countries. Many of these aim at enhancing the obligations on information sharing and compliance that on the surface seem reasonable but can be negative for developing countries. It is noteworthy that none of the developed country proposals focus on equitable access to medical products (such as diagnostics, medicines, vaccines or therapeutics) required for preparedness and response to public health emergencies of international concern.