WHO: Pandemic instrument meeting started with no clarity on the negotiating text

Third World Network

The 6th meeting of the World Health Organization's Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB6) on the pandemic instrument continues to discuss the Bureau’s text, without any clarity on the development of the negotiating text.

However, it must be noted that no textual changes can be made as a result of the informal meetings, because the understanding of INB5 is such that the informal meetings are better aimed at understanding each other’s positions, technicalities and trust building. Small states and those states that do not maintain large delegations in Geneva cannot fully participate in such meetings. This continuing practice of informal discussions without incorporating text proposals from Member States into the Bureau’s text is not generating a result. It has become increasingly clear that negotiations cannot start without textual insertion of Member States’ proposals.

For instance, during agenda item 2 discussions, Kenya made it clear that Member States should be given the opportunity to insert language, particularly on equity-related provisions, before commencement of negotiations on the first draft. … It has been decided that on 21 July, INB6 will conclude by merging with WGIHR4, in a joint plenary session. This joint plenary session will continue on 24 July. The published provisional agenda of the joint meeting…