WHO Organisation and Performance

Leadership and management at WHO: evaluation of WHO reform, third stage (2017)

Evaluation of WHO’s normative function (2017)

Country presence

In decision WHA69(8) (2016), based on the agreed recommendations of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Meeting on Governance Reform (Geneva, 8 and 9 March 2016 and 28 and 29 April 2016), the Health Assembly requested “the Director-General and the regional directors to provide the biennial WHO country presence report for review by the regional committees, and as an information document for the Health Assembly, through the Executive Board and its Programme, Budget and Administration Committee”. The latest report was submitted to the Seventy-second World Health Assembly as document A72/INF./4.  See summary of regional committee discussions in late 2019 of this report.

Evaluation of the utilization of National Professional Officers (2019)

Country office evaluations (Senegal 2019, India 2019, Romania 2018, Rwanda 2018)

Country Office Evaluation - Thailand - (Volume 1: Evaluation Report) August 2017

WHO presence in countries, territories and areas: 2017 report (WHO/CCU/17.04)

Evaluation of WHO’s Presence in Countries, commissioned by WHO Evaluation Office, performed by IOD PARC, and finalised Feb 2016
(Management response, May 2017)

WHO presence in countries, territories and areas: 2015 report (EB140/INF./2, Dec2016)

WHO's performance in countries (Secretariat report on WHO Reform Implementation, A70/50 Add.2, May 2017)

Report of the Taskforce on the roles and functions of the three levels of WHO, 2013

Country offices and country focus / policy, 2005 (EB116/6), and EB debate

Country focus initiative, 2003 (EB111/33)

JIU (2001) Review of management and administration of WHO (JIU/REP/2001/5)

JIU (1993) Decentralisation within UN system: WHO (JIU/REP/93/2)


Evaluation of WHO’s Normative Function: Volume 1: Evaluation Report, July 2017