Abu Dhabi
WTO MC13 Index page
Issues in contention:
- Development agenda
- LDCs: 'graduation', rules of origin, services waiver, market access;
- Special and differential treatment
- Technical assistance and capacity building
- Balance of payments
- Technology transfer
- TRIPS: waiver extension, Convention on Biological diversity, non-violation and situation complaints
- Fisheries
- Agriculture: public stock-holding, food security
- Dispute settlement
- E-commerce: work program, moratorium, cross-border telemedicine
- SPS: sanitary and phytosanitary measures
- Investment facilitation
Note. The template for this meeting is derived from WHO governing body meetings which have linear agendas. WTO meets in diverse committees, green rooms, and cabals. The closest it comes to a singular linear agenda is the draft outcome statement from the ministerial council meeting. Accordingly the below 'agenda items' including their numbering may not correspond closely to the organisation of discussion at the Ministerial Council.
Item name
Special and differential treatment to enlarge policy space for industry development